1:1 Coaching with slow af

Running and Fitness Virtual Coaching Services


Professionally-certified and safe coaching calls delivered via Zoom


Training plans customized for your goals and personal fitness level


Access to a coach who has run over 100 races, including 8 marathons


Take the guesswork out of whether you're "doing it right."

Are you looking to take your fitness game to the next level?

Do you want to stay on track while you train for your next race?

do you struggle with accountability and motivation when thiings get rouch?

I'm currently available to take on virtual coaching clients!

Benefits of Coaching with Martinus Evans

  • Great option if you need help with speed and strength workouts
  • Provides a running buddy to talk with about absolutely anything that comes up in training
  • Have someone to provide guidance and accountability during your training
  • Build fitness and confidence

Choose your coaching plan


$ 200
00 Per Month
  • Zoom Calls
  • Training Schedule
  • Accountability
  • Progress Tracker


$ 550
00 Per Quarter
  • Zoom Calls
  • Training Schedule
  • Accountability
  • Progress Tracker

Why work with Martinus

I’m not like any run roach you’ve ever met. I bring unique perspective and battle-tested experience to every coaching client. As I mentioned, I’ve run over 100 races in a 300+ pound body. This means I have lots of training expertise for runners in larger bodies, but I’ve also got race experience that benefits runners of any ability. I’m also an RRCA Certified Coach. 

When it comes to health and fitness, I’ve also got degrees like a thermometer, including: 

• Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science: Health Fitness (Health Fitness in Preventive and Rehabilitative Programs)

• Masters in Health Promotion Sciences
• Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion and Health Education

I’m also the creator of the Slow AF Run Club and 300 Pounds and Running, co-host of The Long Run Podcast.

If you don’t know, now you know. 

I look forward to working with you! If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]

Together, we can get you moving at your own pace, help you reach your health and fitness goals, and challenge you to test your abilities.