Turtle Team
Are you a reader and a runner?
We’re looking for you…
Application Deadline
April 1st, 2023
Program Dates
April 8th, 2023 - June 3rd, 2023

Application Deadline
Program Dates
The Slow Af Run Club Book is launching and we need your help. We are putting together a Turtle Team to support the launch of this book. In exchange for your help, you’ll get:
Through the application process, we will match you to the best turtle team level for your skills and abilities some tasks you could be doing are….
“Slow AF Run Club”and the “Slow AF Run Club Turtle” are registered trademarks owned by Inspred Moments, LLC. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized use of the name, image, or likeness, including but not limited to events, groups, merchandise, and online communities, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.